I’ve just returned from visiting 22 schools all over the world in twelve days.
1,000+ kids–all levels and cultures–and boy did we have fun!
It was not the most direct route, mind you.
California (Los Altos Hills) –> Illinois –> New Hampshire –> Texas (Fort Worth) –>
Malaysia –> Pakistan –>
U.A.E /Dubai (Kinders and then 5th) –> Connecticut –>
California (Santa Cruz) –> Maryland –> Texas (San Antonio) –>
California (Orange –> Paso Robles –> Sacramento –> San Gabriel) –>
Malaysia –> Florida –> Australia –> Ohio –> Pennsylvania –> Texas (Houston) –>
and I NEVER left home!
My #WRAD15 turned into a World Read Aloud MARATHON!
Let me count the ways….
- Not just because the teachers who Skype are curious, innovative, and LOVE offering a variety of learning adventures to their students.
- Not just because today’s children are CITIZENS OF THE WORLD and it’s thrilling to be a part of their lives.
- Not just because it’s a remarkable way to share my love of words, and writing, and books.
It’s because: (All of the above, plus–)
Kids ask wonderful questions!
And our love of words makes a difference.
“[One of my students] was a reluctant writer until we hit poetry where his creative side just took off. He was clearly excited to meet you and this drips through his blog post…”
– IS Kuala Lumpur
“Thanks for taking the time to share your passion and love of writing/reading with the young people. It’s such an important investment that we do as a community to raise these kids. You were so engaging and interactive with the vocab game. I hope you continue to spread this joy of Reading to everyone!”
– Mr. Pham / USA
Why do I love Skype?
What’s not to love?
THANK YOU to all the teachers who helped make my adventure possible.
@SkypeClassroom. for helping to connect kids with WORDS,
and to Mrs. Morgan’s class for the cool video!
You’re the best!
This was wonderful! What a fantastic journey!