Happy #TaTTues ! Many schools celebrate National Teacher’s Day or week during the first week of May, which is awesome and well-deserved. IMHO, however, we should celebrate Teacher/Librarian Appreciation every day. And since November is traditionally a month of thanks and giving, may I suggest:
#TaTTues : Thank a Teacher Tuesday begins today! The idea came to me two years ago–(and I am reposting it in case you missed it) –a step towards daily Teacher Appreciation/ see IMHO above.) I know it’s #NaNoWriMo and #PiBoIdMo and #Fill-in-the-blank-Mo, but what if we all take a MOment every Tuesday in November and May to send a message to a teacher or librarian who has made a difference in YOUR life. Thank a Teacher
OK, yes, you can thank a teacher in your child’s life if you want, but sometimes I think adults don’t remember the educators in their own lives–the teacher who helped you reach your goal, encouraged you to do your personal best. The one who went the extra mile. The one who believed in you.
The late Jaime Escalante was one of these teachers. But not every teacher gets a movie made in his or her honor. I wish I could thank some of the teachers who were instrumental in my life, but sadly–like Mr. Escalante–they are gone. So I hereby dedicate this post and my deepest gratitude to: Miss Moore (*who taught me girls could be good at math!), Mr. Markey (*who let me take time out of class to go down the hall to the kindergarten and read to them each week), Mrs. Uhrig (*who made me write in a journal–the very same ones I share at author visits these days!), Mrs. Lang (*who believed seventh graders + Shakespeare= As You Like It) and Mrs. Cecile La Violette Belden (“Pronounce it trippingly on the tongue.” *who taught us to think outside the box long before anyone knew we were in one!)
As for teachers you want to thank (and you know you do), you’d be surprised how many are now on Facebook! Seriously. And I can tell you first-hand how fun it is to get a message from a former student who has found Ms. Dealey out here in cyberspace. : ) *You guys rock!
What will you do? Yes, cupcakes are lovely, and chocolate can surely help a weary teacher get through at least one stack of papers that needs correcting, but there are many ways to thank teachers and librarians besides baked goods; ones that don’t result in a guilt-ridden urge to fast on diet soda only, or dreams of a personal trainer…
Some other Thank a Teacher (or Librarian) ideas:
Volunteer for a few hours in the classroom or library of your old school. Or your child’s school. Or the school in your neighborhood. Teachers need help when school is out, too–packing things away for next year, cleaning up before they can check out.
Send a Thank You out on Twitter (#TaTTues ) this month. So what if that teacher isn’t a Tweet-a-holic? Send it out anyway. You never know where it will land.
Donate a book to the library, in honor of your favorite teacher or librarian. Send it in to his or her class to read first before you give it to the library.
Blog about the teachers who inspired YOU. (And let me know @ErinDealey so I can pass it on.)
Let’s face it. Thanks to the media (If it bleeds,it reads.), we are fully aware whenever new studies come out saying our school system is failing, but why not focus on the daily victories? The unsung heroes who–despite budget cuts and layoffs and constant criticism– make sure our children have a safe learning environment; challenge them when they could easily cruise; feed them when they are hungry?
And while we’re at it…What if CEOs gave back to the schools where they learned to read? What if celebrities (see video below) and rock stars held benefit concerts for school districts where BUDGET is a four letter word? (no JOKE) And since today is Election Day (Please VOTE) –what if politicians remembered the very system they are criticizing and downsizing got them where they are today?
Who nudged you to follow your dreams? If you can read this, thank a teacher. In case you missed the link above, check out this amazing video from a few who have:
Thank a Teacher : “I am who I am because I had a great teacher.”
Great idea, Erin! Love it.
Thanks Genny!
I love how you thank your teachers, Erin. A great model for all of us to be in a state of gratitude.
Teacher, I moved for you, I love you, I love our class. You are my second mother, this class is our second home
this is a great ideea..we should all learn to be thankful more often, especially with the ones who help us along the way..beginning with our familly, friends, and ending with teachers, or the flower seller.