Deck the Walls!
You’re invited to a (free)
Author Skype/Book Party!
September 1st is the Birthday of my new picture book, Deck the Walls (Sleeping Bear Press, illustrations Nick Ward) so get ready to party!
For the entire month of September 2013, I’m offering FREE 20+ minute Skypes with classes and schools who host a DECK THE WALLS book party.
All I ask is that you…
1. Read (or sing–fa la la) the book
to your class ahead of time,
2. Send a flyer home about the book
(part of your party packet),
3. Have students answer one of these prompts:
My craziest holiday dinner…; Secrets of the kids table…
I like holiday dinners because…;
or a How To paragraph on olive hockey rules; how to eat olives; how to feed the dog under the table.
Selected writings from each school
will be posted on my web site.
If you’re really party animals, dress like the characters in the book, add a game like olive-eating relays, or pin the olive on the snowman (or make up your own!).
During our September Skype, let me help you set class reading goals and then in January, I’ll pop back in to celebrate their accomplishments. (No charge.)
How do you sign up? Offer is limited to the first 15 schools who send me an email via the Contact section of my web site or
Tweet @ErinDealey with the hashtags #DecktheWalls #SkypeParty so we can talk dates.
Let’s start the school year off with a celebration!
PS Discounted September 2013 Author Visits too!
Click here to send me an email. Book early to reserve your date!
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