Recognize this inquisitive #kidlit author?
Welcome back to K IS FOR KINDERGARTEN Show and Tell--where #kidlit authors & illustrators and fan favorites share their kindergarten pictures and a kinder memory each #tbt.
Today’s kinder grew up to be award-winning author
Patricia Newman.
Newman writes in many genres, including
these fascinating non-fiction titles published by Millbrook Press/ Lerner:
(To be released Oct. 1st ~ a Junior Library Guild selection)
Zoos take care of animals and welcome visitors of all ages, but that’s not all zoos do. Author Patricia Newman and photographer Annie Crawley bring readers behind the scenes at three zoos to meet scientists working to save endangered animals.
Meredith Bastian’s experiences studying wild orangutans helps educate both zoo visitors and the zoo workers who care for captive orangutans. Jeff Baughman breeds black-footed ferrets and reintroduces them into the wild. And Rachel Santymire examines poop from black rhinoceroses at the zoo and in their natural habitat to benefit all black rhinos. Zoo scientists are helping us learn more about these remarkable, at-risk species before it’s too late.
An up-close look about zoo scientists who are making a difference!
It’s no surprise that Patti’s Kindergarten memory is about one of her first scientific discoveries:
My kindergarten classroom was big, or at least it seemed big to me at the time. I remember round tables where we had snack and cubbies for our belongings. One day, the whole class stood around Mrs. Veladota as she yanked stuff out of our cubbies, hunting for the horrible smell that filled the classroom. She seemed sure it emanated from someone’s cubby. Mittens, blankets, hats, and lunch boxes littered the floor. And then…a rotting apple. I remember her whisking away the offending fruit before we could even look at it. I felt gypped. I guess science was important to me even back then.
PARENTS: Does your little one have an interest in science?
Maybe that child who needs to examine everything–including rotten apples–will be a successful non-fiction author some day!
Thank you, Patti, for sharing your Kindergarten Show and Tell.
To learn more about Patricia Newman go to patriciamnewman.com
Have you heard about the BOOK GIVEAWAY on Goodreads!
***I’m giving away a SIGNED COPY of K IS FOR KINDERGARTEN***
(Sleeping Bear Press/ illus. Joseph Cowman)
I can’t wait for you to see it–Release date: August 15th–46 days and counting!!!
Check back next week to meet TWO kindergartners who would grow up to be the author AND the debut illustrator of this fabulous new picture book biography:
published by Christy Ottaviano Books/ May 2017.
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