A BIG thanks to Burchfield Primary in Colusa, CA, for these photos of my recent Author Visit. It was great fun as usual and never the same, especially since I call up 10 pre-selected kids to help act out the mini-play based on my latest book, Little Bo Peep Can’t Get To Sleep. (All my improv skills and experience as a theater teacher and performer come in handy!)
Did I mention I LOVE School visits? Thanks to ALL the schools I’ve visited since Bo Peep… came out this year:
Heritage Oak, Quail Glen Elementary (Roseville); Lake Forest Elementary, Jackson Elementary (El Dorado Hills, CA); Sierra Accelerated School, Schnell School (Placerville, CA); Georgetown School, Creekside Elementary (Black Oak Unified SD); Sierra Hills Elementary (Meadow Vista, CA); Pacific Elementary (Sacramento, CA); Cosumnes Elementary (Sloughhouse, CA); Burchfield Elementary (Colusa, CA); and Cottage Hill Primary (Grass Valley).
You guys rock! Happy (almost) summer!
And speaking of summer, I’ll be appearing on Sacramento’s KOVR DAYBREAK show (Channel 13/CBS) tomorrow morning at 6:48 am for my GOT BOOKS? segment highlighting Good Summer Reads. (Set your VCRs.)
We muggles know there are only 40 days until Harry… (July 16th–can’t wait!) and of course this is the Third Summer of the Traveling Pants , Ann Brashares’ latest YA (very fun!), but my list includes books you may not have heard about:
Mermaid Mary Margaret by Lynn E. Hazen (Bloomsbury 2004/ reading level 7-11years) takes young readers on a cruise to the Greek Isles with spunky 4th grader, Mary Margaret, and her recently widowed grandmother. Hazen knows all about spunky kids–(She teaches pre-school in San Francisco.)–and her own grandma was from Rhodes, so this is the wonderful trip she always imagined she’d take. I loved it! And teachers will love MM’s obsession with longitude and latitude. See MMM’s clever web site: http://www.MermaidMary.com
Sacramento author Elaine N.Russel wrote Martin McMillan and the Lost Inca City (Polar Bear & Co. 2005/ Reading level 9-12 years) when she couldn’t find any middle grades books for her skateboarding son to read, and parents have been singing her praises ever since! The folks at my local book store, Hidden Passage Books, told me one mom said her son hated reading until she bought him Martin McMillan… and now he’s hooked ! Now that’s the kind of review we like to hear!
Middle Grades Teachers take note: Martin McMillan… fits in perfectly with the Ancient Civiilzations curriculum, as Martin is dragged off by his parents on an archaeological dig in Peru, and skateboards right into a mystery involving ancient Incan treasures and a lost city. Russell’s web site is: http://www.elainerussell.info .
Last but not least, if your kids are bored the day after school lets out, Laura Torres’ non fiction craft how-to, Best Friends Forever (Workman 2004), is packed with projects (199 to be exact) for kids of all ages to make and share. Torres was an editor at American Girl Magazine, where she created many of the craft projects, so she knows what she’s talking about! Teachers who are looking for easy, fun projects for the whole class will love this too! See Laura’s web site at http://www.lauratorres.com .
That’s it for TODAY. Tomorrow after the KOVR spot (If I’m not too sleep deprived…), I’ll list the details of my picture book Good Summer Reads. Until then, you know what to do: PBIC and write NOW!
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