Just like #EarthDay should be EarthYEAR, Teacher Appreciation Week should be 365 days 24/7 –right?

Shout out to ALL of the teachers and librarians who stepped up to make learning fun and meaningful in the last 14 months. Who’s with me?
Pandemic or not, these amazing, dedicated, nurturing humans did NOT stop.
Look at this wonderful book review Mrs. Flicek’s (WI) 1st graders from King Elementary wrote for DEAR EARTH:

Ms. Zapp (top photo) made these very cool SeeSaw activities for her 2nd grade class–and is using DEAR EARTH as a way to teach Friendly Letters:
Mrs. Hopping‘s TK and Kinders sent pictures of PETER EASTER FROG and sweet thank you notes:
Tina Delekta’s 3rd graders at South Maple Elementary (MI) made these wonderful #EarthDay posters:
Thank you #1–> #Teachers & #Librarians: Harper Collins helped me make a YouTube read-aloud of DEAR EARTH for your classroom! Click this link to view and share. More FREEBIES below.

Mrs. Harris’ students in Virginia helped me unbox my new books, sang Happy Birthday to them, and sent me predictions of what PETER EASTER FROG might look like! What fun! Mrs. Harris is so cool, she made the local news!
We Zoomed and Google Met, some went back hybrid, and I’m telling you, the teachers ALL stepped up.
Check out the blog takeover from Mrs. Howard’s (CA) AWESOME 5th/6th graders from room FIVE04: HERE!

Thank you #2 for you, dear #teachers & #librarians: Here are the links (Spotify, Apple, iTunes, YouTube, Amazon…pretty exciting!) to my #reading song so you can sing it too: “If you love books and you know it…”

Do you see the cool poster Mrs. Baker (Cambridge Heights Elementary / CA) is sharing in the photo above? That’s the reverse of the book jacket to DEAR EARTH. I’m so thrilled that you can repurpose it and encourage Ss to be Earth Heroes all year long.
Be sure to read Ms. Carrie Strayer’s (WA) 4th grade blog takeover (Here. And here. ):–> “Writing is NEVER wrong.”
After Ms. Wilcox’ 1st graders (MI) read DEAR EARTH… they talked about ways they could be heroes. Yayyy!!!! Each student picked three ways that they would be earth heroes. (See their clever craft projects above.) And since one of their goals was to save electricity, they kept their classroom lights off all day–which is wonderful in so many ways!

These letters to earth (above) are from the virtual 1st graders from Gaylord Community School MI.
I could go on and on. But the main message of this post is:
Whether it’s one of your former teachers, your child’s teacher (past or present), or teachers you know who keep moving forward in this craziness because they BELIEVE in kids. And their belief in young people makes a difference EVERY day.
As promised: MORE FREEBIES here.
Thank you, thank you, thank you dear educators. Every. Day.
Most Sincerely,
Erin Dealey
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