Hi Friends — Thank you to ALL who visit and share in our #kidlit community celebrations! Speaking of thank you’s — the students of Silva Valley Elementary made these wonderfully creative cards and “Thank You books” after my recent Author Visit. Scroll down on to see their amazing take-aways on writing!

But first…
To celebrate our March 15th launch of JUST FLOWERS, illustrated by Kate Cosgrove (Sleeping Bear Press) I’m thrilled to anounce these guest posts and interviews, blossoming in the #kidlit blogosphere.

written by Erin Dealey (Sleeping Bear Press)
Blog Tour Dates
I’m sharing our Blog Tour list in part because I’m so excited for this book, and also because we would LOVE for you to join us on this journey. BONUS: Some of the posts include #giveaways so please visit these blogs and leave a comment –or click, share, and help us celebrate on the following dates:
Note: Some posts (and giveaways) are already up. Check them out!
- Feb. 13th : 8Qs with NYT Bestselling Illustrator Kate Cosgrove on erindealey.com
- Feb. 19th: 10 Diverse Picture Books about Gardens, Community, and Kindness on pragmaticmom.com
- Feb. 27th: What Was On… hosted by Sandra Nickel on whatwason.com
- March 12th: Chitchat with Author Erin Dealey & Illustrator Kate Cosgrove hosted by Rosie Pova on Kidlit Oasis rosiepova.com
- March 15th: Perfect Picture Book Friday hosted by Vivian Kirkfield on viviankirkfield.com
- March 16th: March on with Mentor Texts hosted by Lynne Marie on rateyourstory.org
- March 19th: Six Questions with Kidlit Creators hosted by Mary Boone on boonewrites.com
- ALSO March 19th: Join the Sleeping Bear Press Instagram Takeover with Erin Dealey at sleepingbearpress
- March 21st: Simply 7 –with Kate Cosgrove and Erin Dealey, hosted by Jena Benton on jenabenton.com
- March 27th The Backstory hosted by Andrew Hacket on andrewhacket.com
How cool are these amazing bloggers?

written by Erin Dealey (Sleeping Bear Press)
PS I can’t WAIT for you to meet our budding Botanist, IZZY, and the grumpy neighbor…
Equally cool are the messages in the thank you cards
from Silva Valley:

To hear the Reading Song that Delaney mentions
(available on Spotify, YouTube, and all streaming options) click here.
Look closely–Can you read Delaney’s message on the right side of the card? Yayyy!
One of the messages I’m passionate about these days is that WRITING IS NEVER WRONG.
There’s a reason why we call writing a Language ART –right?
I talk about this a lot at school visits and on zooms & Google Chats. Those first drafts can be messy, just like art. It doesn’t mean that they are WRONG. Like art, which can go from sketches to a painting, or a lump of clay to a sculpture or vase, we Language ARTISTS use our tools to turn our writing into READING.

I was signing books at the end of the day and I asked 2nd grader Mia if she had any writing tips. Her answer blew me away, and I asked her to write it down:

–Mia, 2nd Grade
She gets it, friends.
Turn off that editor in your head and go make some Language ART.
And thank you, friends, for being a part of our wonderful #kidlit community.
Up next on the blog:
The (continued) celebration of Vivian Kirkfield’s nonfiction pb, which released TODAY:

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