Hi Everyone– The Students of Del Dayo Elementary are taking over Erin Dealey’s blog for EARTH DAY and Poetry Month. We have book reviews, Qs for Erin Dealey, and writing to share!

The whole school zoomed with Erin Dealey last month
for our annual Author Day.
The lower grades wrote a “1st line/ Last line” poem together. Every class contributed a line, starting with the TKs. Check it out:

Dear Earth… I’m going to pick up trash.
Trash is bad for the environment.
The environment gives us shelter.
Shelter is important to humans.
Humans can pick up the trash.
Trash needs to get picked up.
Pick up plastic water bottles and straws.
Water bottles and straws pollute our ocean.
Our ocean helps our animals.
Our animals like turtles, sharks, seahorses, and fish need our help.
Let’s help our turtles by not putting trash in the ocean.
The ocean should always be clean.
Cleaning helps our Dear Earth.
Dear Earth…I’m going to pick up trash.
by Del Dayo Elementary TK-3.

Mrs. Record’s 5th graders read Erin Dealey’s book, Dear Earth….
Here are some of their takeaways:

Here’s the Webquest if you want to see more takeaways from Mrs. Record’s class.
Now for some Questions:
Q 1. What inspired you to write a book about Earth?
Erin Dealey: My friend, author/illustrator Dow Phumiruk created a beautiful illustration for the holidays, of an angel holding the earth. I felt like there should be a book about it. So I started writing ideas down.

Erin Dealey: At first, the letters were addressed to the angel. (See below. I named her Ariel.) Then I decided to have the kids write directly to Earth.

Q 2. Have you ever gotten discouraged while working on a book and then found the courage to try again? (from Ashton, Mr. Edgemon’s 5th grade class)
What is the longest time it has taken you to write a book? (from Mrs. Record’s class.)
Good Questions!
Erin Dealey: I put these questions together because they have the same answer. I have been working on a middle grade novel, now called IRIS, HERSELF, for over eight years! At times I’ve gotten discouraged (We sent it out too soon and got several very nice rejections.) but my author friends and my agent believe in the project and that has helped to keeps me going. I believe in it too, and I’m not giving up!

Writing takes patience!
Never Give Up!
Q 3. Were you inspired by someone? Who and why? (from Hussna, Mr. Edgemon’s 5th grade class)
Erin Dealey: I’ve been inspired by many wonderful, kind and talented people but the person who comes to mind right now is my mom. She always told us, “You’ll never know until you try.” That phrase popped into my brain when I wondered if I could write a book. I’m soooo glad I followed my mom’s advice!
Erin Dealey taught Grades 4-6 how to write “Poker Poems.”

Mrs. Nye’s 4th graders and their poems.

Here are a few poems from Mrs. Records’ 5th graders:
Help Earth
Before it disappears
Like an echo.
by Gabe, 5th grade, Mrs. Records

The sunset glowed like an image,
just a fraction of light left.
But silence was suddenly broke,
as the sound of footsteps
filled the clearing.
by Viv, 5th grade, Mrs. Records

I will hide from my ancestor
in the forest
on a journey
to the sacred ring.
by Jai, 5th grade, Mrs. Records

To read all of the awesome poems from Mrs. Records’ 5th grade click here.
We’ll be sharing MORE poems next time–including poems and drawings from Mr. Corcoran’s 6th graders–in part 2 of Del Dayo’s Blog takeover next week!
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