Since we’re still buzzing from the ALA YMAs
and it’s almost February, let’s share some more love.
Today’s blog post is a shout out —
and a huge THANK YOU–to
#kidlit Book Bloggers:
The wonderful humans who WRITE & REVIEW & POST & help spread the word
about children’s books, authors & illustrators.
YOU are the reason people learned about our books during the Pandemic.
We authors and illustrators couldn’t do what we do without you.
Last month on Twitter I asked people to share links of their favorite book blogs, as well as their own.
NOTE: There are MANY others–and initially I imagined this post entitled
“23 in 2023″ but hey–please check out our
32 in 2023
BLOGROLL please….
Children’s Book Corner: Judy Bradbury https://www.judybradbury.com/blog/
Children’s Books Heal : Patricia Tilton https://childrensbooksheal.wordpress.com/
Critter Lit : Lindsay Ward https://www.critterlit.com/
Fuse8 : Elizabeth Bird / SLJ https://afuse8production.slj.com/2023/01/04/2023-arrived-and-a-blog-is-still-here-what-does-the-future-hold/
Here Wee Read: Charnaie Gordon https://hereweeread.com/
Viviane Kirkfield / Writer for Children https://viviankirkfield.com/
Perfect Picture Book Friday: Jilanne Hoffman https://jilannehoffmann.com/blog/
Picture Book Buzz: Maria Marshall https://www.mariacmarshall.com/blog
Psyched Writer: Vasilia Graboski https://www.vasiliagraboski.com/blog Resource for fellow therapists, parents and teachers.
Rosi Hollenbeck : https://rosihollinbeck.com/blog/
Samantha Cronin’s Kidlit Library https://mscroninreads.wordpress.com/
Simply 7: Jena Benton https://jenabenton.com/category/simply-7-interview/
Story Snug: Catherine Friess https://storysnug.com/
This Writing Life: Melissa Stoller / Three Questions https://www.melissastoller.com/blog
What Was On : Sandra Nickel https://whatwason.com/
Nonfiction #kidlit
A True Tale with a Cherry on Top: Jeanne Walker Harvey https://www.jeanneharvey.com/blog-news
Celebrate Science: Melissa Stewart http://celebratescience.blogspot.com/
LitLinks: Patricia Newman https://www.patriciamnewman.com/blog-4/
Steam Team Books: http://www.steamteambooks.com/
Blog Teams & Guest bloggers:
Beth Anderson & guests—Reader, Writer, Miner of Moments https://bethandersonwriter.com/blog/
Cynsations: Cynthia Leitich Smith https://cynthialeitichsmith.com/cynsations/
Diverse Books/ WNDB https://diversebooks.org/blog/
Good Reads with Ronna https://www.goodreadswithronna.com/
Marvelous Middle Grade Monday –Greg Pattridge https://gpattridge.com/
The GROG blog — https://groggorg.blogspot.com/
Watch. Connect. Read : John Schu http://mrschureads.blogspot.com/
Writing for Kids (While Raising Them) : Tara Lazar https://taralazar.com/
Insta #kidlit Bookstagrammers
Book. Nerd. Mommy https://www.instagram.com/book.nerd.mommy/
The Book Wrangler https://www.instagram.com/thebookwrangler/
Colby Sharp: https://www.instagram.com/colbysharp/
Inky Elbows: https://www.instagram.com/inkyelbows/
Librarian Bookends: https://www.instagram.com/librarianbookends/
OK –adding two more… = 34
Kate Messner: https://katemessner.com/blog/ Many of us wouldn’t be meeting with students this week for WRAD if it weren’t for Kate’s incredible list of available authors & illustrators. Thank you!
Erin Dealey: https://erindealey.com/blog/ I’ve decided to add my blog as well. Current #kidlit releases, Book Birthdays, Classroom Blog Takeovers & more!
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